Feel comfortable about managing your money with our Empowering Women Financially webinars
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we’re taking action to help close the gender gap in financial confidence.
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we’re taking action to help close the gender gap in financial confidence.
To celebrate International Women’s Day, we’re taking action to help close the gender gap in financial confidence, helping you to feel more comfortable around money management.
Research shows that women often prioritise their families and homes over their own financial future – and may feel less confident when it comes to saving and investing. Factors like the gender pay gap and caregiving responsibilities only add to the challenge.
Our engaging and informative ‘Empowering Women Financially’ webinar is designed to provide the knowledge and tools you need to take control of your financial future. Delivered by Better with Money, this free one-hour session will help you build your financial confidence.
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This webinar is free for TPT members and offers a welcoming, supportive space to learn and ask questions.
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To find out more and sign up, click here.